Brett Caswell throws for Ippon at 2007 GB World Cup
Clearing out my old diaries and other accumulated rubbish in my locker at work, and found this note from Brett Caswell… He has attributed this to American judoka Kevin Asano, who won a bronze at the 1987 World Championships and silver at the 1988 Olympics.
It seemed an appropriate message to share as we end one year, and look forward to our 25th anniversary next year.
Vision for success
v – Vision. First and foremost you need a dream!
I – inspiration. Let desire fuel your fire!
S – Strategy. Develop a plan of action!
I – Initiate. Don’t be afraid of taking risks!
O – Other people. Surround yourself with others who can help you win!
N – Never give up. You need to persevere through the hardships!
…Success will not happen without a focussed, on-purpose, plan of action!
Whether you make it to the Olympics or not is not the main thing in life. When you come right down to it, judo competition is really just a game. Whether you win or lose in competition, life will go on.
The real issue is much deeper. If you have a clear vision for the Olympics, what you do along the journey is more important than the outcome. The lessons you learn. the experiences you gain, and the character you build will determine who becomes a real champion in life. A TRUE CHAMPION IS NOT SO MUCH ONE WHO WEARS A GOLD MEDAL AROUND HI SNECK, BUT ONE WHO WEARS A GOLD MEDAL IN HIS HEART.
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