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Meet your club welfare officer

We’d like to introduce you to our new Club Welfare Officer, Candice Reid (Candy).

Candy is at the club most Tuesdays and Thursdays, either with her children or training herself.

As Club Welfare Officer, Candy is here to

  • Assist the club to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard children and young people.
  • Assist the club to implement its child protection plan.
  • Be the first point of contact regarding concerns about children’s welfare, poor practice or child abuse.
  • The CWO is responsible for following the British Judo Association’s policy and procedures especially in relation to safeguarding and in particular the reporting procedures.
  • Maintaining appropriate records and assessing information promptly and carefully, clarifying or obtaining more information about the matter as appropriate.
  • Initially discuss your concerns with the British Judo Association Lead Child Protection Officer in England and Wales or the Judo Scotland Lead Child Protection Officer in Scotland
  • Consult initially with a statutory child protection agency such as the local social services department or health board, or the NSPCC, to test out any doubts or uncertainty about the concerns as soon as possible, in agreement with the BJA Safeguarding Manager.
  • Make a formal referral to a statutory child protection agency e.g. social services department or the police (by telephoning by 101 for non-emergency, or 999 in an emergency) without delay. It is NOT the role of the club to decide whether a child has been abused or not. This is the task of the social services department and the police or NSPCC.
  • Be the first point of contact with the National Lead Child Protection Officer.
  • Maintain contact details for local Social Services, Police, and how to obtain the Area Child Protection Committee’s policy/procedures. Contact details for local/national help lines should also be maintained and publicised within the club.
  • Promote the clubs best practice guidance/code of conduct within the club in line with the club’s plans. This may involve working with children/young people and parents on developing the club’s approach to the best behaviour of everyone at the club.
  • Promote and ensure adherence to the club’s child protection training plan.
  • The CWO will need to ensure that everyone is aware of what training is available and work with the club management committee to ensure that training requirements are met.
  • Ensure confidentiality is maintained alongside the club’s management committee.
  • Promote anti-discriminatory practice. The club must ensure that it has made clear its commitment to anti-discriminatory practice in its policy, procedures and plans for safeguarding children and young people’s welfare. The club should also have an Equity policy.

Candy can be contacted on 07871 806312. We will shortly publish a dedicated email address also.

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Government publishes Duty of Care in sport recommendations

The Government has recently published Duty of Care in Sport, an independent review by Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE, DL.

She says in her Introduction,

The most important element in sport is the people involved, whether they are taking part, volunteering, coaching or paid employees. The success of sport, in terms of helping people achieve their potential, making the most of existing talent, and attracting new people to sport relies on putting people – their safety, wellbeing and welfare – at the centre of what sport does.

However, recent media reports and anecdotal evidence from across a range of sports has led to questions about whether welfare and safety really are being given the priority they deserve. At a time of success for British sport in terms of medals, championships and profile, this raises challenging questions about whether the current balance between welfare and winning is right and what we are prepared to accept as a nation.

Following the publication of the government’s sport strategy “Sporting Future”, published in late 2015, I was delighted to be asked by the Minister of Sport to look into issues surrounding the so-called “Duty of Care” that sports have towards their participants. “Sporting Future” aims to encourage more people to become active, to strengthen the sporting workforce and create a more sustainable and diverse sector. I believe that the issues grouped under the term “Duty of Care” are fundamental to achieving these aims.

The UK is much admired around the world for sporting success and the system that exists beneath it. In recent years there has been an increased focus on participation in sport and physical activity, and how as a nation we become fitter and healthier. There is significant investment in sport in the UK, through public funding or private sector sponsorship, and there is a reasonable expectation that there should be a return on the investment, not only in terms of sporting achievement, but social benefit and in some cases financial return. Winning medals is, of course, really important, but should not be at the expense of the Duty of Care towards athletes, coaches and others involved in the system.

However, it feels timely for the sport sector to consider Duty of Care in its fullest sense. The sector is arguably under more scrutiny than ever before, with allegations of non-recent child sexual abuse in football, and accusations of a culture of bullying in some sports. Questions are being asked about the price being paid for success. It is clear that the drive for success and desire to win should not be at the cost of the individuals involved. Allegations about the past need to be thoroughly investigated, but the focus must also remain on those in the current system to ensure that they are protected and free from harm, bullying, harassment and discrimination. Although there are processes and safeguards in place, the right culture is still required to ensure they work. Sport cannot think of itself as special or different and able to behave outside what are considered acceptable behaviour patterns.

The report makes several recommendations in key areas, covering

  1. Education
  2. Transition (entering top level sport, de-selection, appeals and leaving top level sport)
  3. Representation
  4. Equality, diversity & inclusion
  5. Safeguarding
  6. Mental welfare
  7. Safety, injury & medical issues

The full report is available to download.

With this being such a hot topic in sport recently, we are delighted that Karen Miller has stepped up to the Welfare Officer role on the club committee.

Karen has recently completed her Safeguarding and Time to Listen courses.

Karen is at the Club most Thursdays, and can be contacted via if anyone has any queries or issues, whether related to judo or not.


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Welfare Officer appointed

We are delighted to announce the appointment of our new Club Welfare Officer.

Karen Miller – mother of Freddie and Wilf – has taken on the role of Welfare Officer for the Club. Karen has already joined the management committee of the Club and will undergo training provided by UKSport and NSPCC to equip her for this role.

Further details on the essential role of Club Welfare Officer can be found on the BJA website.

Contact details etc. for Karen will be published shortly.

Posted in Announcements, News

Applications sought for post of Club Welfare Officer

The Club is looking for a volunteer to take on the role of Club Welfare Officer.

Additionally, we would like this role to play a key part in enabling the Club to re-apply for Clubmark status.

Please speak to Kev, Tony or Jess if you are interested in taking on this role.

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