Blog Archives

Computer said NO!

Apologies for the website downtime.

Naively we thought we had unlimited webspace, but it turned out this was not the case! Who would have thought that cyber space had limits?

It appears that we exceeded our maximum allowance and have had to buy additional space as our site has expanded.

It has however encouraged us to think about how we manage and maintain this site, so you may see further changes shortly.

We were however able to maintain our FaceBook page and group and WhatsApp communications, we hope that any inconvenience was kept to a minimum

Posted in Announcements, Blog

Website updates

Some essential maintenance work has recently been undertaken on our website, most obviously it’s move to a secure, industry standard “https” domain. This makes our site much more secure (you may be surprised how many hacking attempts we get…) and enables better integration with our social media feeds.

Many thanks to John Rogerson for sorting this and other background issues for us.

The cost of website hosting, domain registration and email addresses are all part of the hidden costs of running a modern sports club. A digital presence is vital however in the 21st century and will help us to attract new members and keep in contact with current players and parents as we navigate our way out of the Covid pandemic.

You can support us with these hidden costs by playing the Portsmouth Lottery or using the Easyspace portal when shopping online, as we all are these days. Full details can be found on our Fundraising pages.

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Website update

Big thanks to Super Dad John Rogerson who successfully oversaw the migration of our web pages from one server to another yesterday.

This has also allowed us to upgrade to a more secure programming language.

Hopefully no one was inconvenienced by a temporary break in service.

John has also fixed the annoying “test page” message that people were reporting when visiting the site.

Hopefully from now all systems GO!

Posted in Announcements, News

Website issues

Apologies if anyone had issues accessing the website over the last couple of weeks.

It appears as if we were subjected to a hacking attack.

Many thanks to John Rogerson who has got us back up and running, and strengthened security on the site. We still have a couple of bits to re-install, such as integration with Facebook and Twitter, and sharing options, but otherwise we are fully functional again.

Once again, apologies for any inconvenience.

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