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Can you volunteer your time to help us grow?

It has been fantastic to watch the club bounce back after the Covid shut down, the mat is busier than it has been years. Lewis and Chloe have secured first medals for the club since we returned to competition.

We are keen now to grow the other side of the club, off the mat. We are looking for players. parents, former members and their parents who still have an interest, who would be willing to get involved in managing and shaping the future of the club.

We are looking to recruit to the following volunteer positions:

  • Club chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Welfare officer

We always need people who are willing to help lay out the mats, take mat fees and run the register.

If you would be interested in helping out in any way , please speak to Tony, Kev or Craig.

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Volunteers still needed – don’t be shy!

Mat area

We are still looking for volunteers to assist Tony with laying mats whilst Kev and Craig are away, starting next week. Any assistance gratefully received.

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