Blog Archives

Gradings update

As you are probably aware, the BJA implemented a new membership system over the summer (“the Dojo”).

Like you, we were expecting a fully developed and configured system to be unveiled, especially as the go live date was put back.

Not the case however! All that has been launched so far is a minimum product, that enables members to check their own details and renew licence. There are no coach or club modules currently available, meaning that we are unable to process the grading results from July. BJA staff are also unable to process gradings at Head Office. It is hoped that this functionality will be rolled out shortly.

We apologise for the delay in players receiving this new grades, sadly the situation is out of our hands. As soon as we can submit new grade information we will do so.

Having worked on a new IT system configuration for the last two years, and just entering the really interesting stage of assisted migration runs, User Acceptance Testing and parallel running – it is disappointing to see the delays and gaps in the new Dojo system.

Posted in Announcements, Blog, Grading

