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Be part of the Team GB Festival of Sport!

Court Lane Judo Club will be celebrating Team GB’s Tokyo Olympic success by taking part in the Festival of Sport, on Saturday 14 August. We are especially happy to take part as British Judo’s Chelsie Giles won Team GB’s first Olympic medal in Tokyo!

Our training session will be open to everyone, children and adults, to come and try this Olympic martial art. Everyone attending will receive a Team GB Festival of Sport certificate to celebrate their taking part.

The class will run from 1000 – 1115 at Court Lane Junior School, Hilary Avenue, Cosham.

For further details, please call Tony on 07749 036577.

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I am Team GB sports day

13934771_1170602169649588_1628758505783078250_nHelp to celebrate an amazing Rio Olympics by taking part in the nation’s biggest ever sports day!

We will be joining with Holbrook Judo on 27 August for a mat session from 10 -12 noon.

As always, the event will be held at Brune Park School, Military Road, Gosport.

All junior players welcome – hope to see you on the mat!

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