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Judo cancelled tonight

Taking into account the extreme temperatures and likely impact on attendance, we have decided to cancel tonight’s sessions.

Session will run as normal on Thursday, then Saturday sessions will commence from 23 July.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

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No jacket required

As you are aware, an extreme heat warning has been issued for England and Wales for Monday and Tuesday, with temperatures possible peaking at 41C. (It’s already 24C writing this at 10am…).

Whilst it looks as if Portsmouth avoids the worst of the heat, we have decided to err on the side of caution and will take a relaxed approach to training on Tuesday 19 July.

Both classes will study the first set of Ju No Kata, a demonstration of gentleness and yielding that illustrates one of the key principles of Judo. The full video is available to study above, but you will see from the first set that the jacket is not gripped. We are happy therefore for people to train in just a t shirt if they think they will be more comfortable. Please bring water to training.

Hopefully Thursday’s session will return to normal.

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Summer Saturday morning judo confirmed

We are delighted to announce that Judo sessions will run on Saturday mornings again this summer.

Sessions will be held in the Infant school hall, NOT Court Lane Junior. Sessions will run from 1000 – 1115 and will be open to all players, including adults. Adults will be segregated from the smaller junior players. Usual mat fee of £5 will apply.

Sessions will run on the following dates:

  • July 23
  • July 30
  • August 6
  • August 13
  • August 20

Normal evening sessions will resume from Tuesday 6 September.

Many thanks to Izzy Cordery and Kevin Elmes from Court Lane Schools for making this possible.

Posted in Announcements, Training

Thank you for a great summer of Judo!

Wow, what a fab summer of Judo we have had!

It’s a long time since we have managed to run classes over the summer holidays, thank you so much for supporting and to the school for making the hall available on the Saturday mornings.

We have seen nearly every junior member attend at least once over the summer period, and had some new players join. We were also delighted to see the return of Amy Roberts – it’s great to have you back.

Congratulations to Renèe and Ophèlia Cleugh, who passed their grading examination to 1st mon.

The summer has been marked by Olympic and Paralympic medal success – huge congratulations are due to Olympian Chelsie Giles, who winning Team GB’s first medal at Tokyo 2020 made Judo front page news, and Paralympians Elliot Stewart and Chris Skelley. Skelley’s gold medal was our first Paralympic Judo gold since Simon Jackson MBE in 1996.

We are taking a short break now, as school resumes. Classes will resume on Tuesday 7th September, at 6pm. See you on the mat!

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Try Judo this summer!

With the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics about to begin, there’s never been a better time to try the Olympic and Paralympic martial art of Judo!

Judo has been a core Olympic sport since 1972, and has been the source of several medals for Team GB. Requiring physical and mental agility, Judo is a fantastic sport for boys and girls.

Court Lane Judo Club will be running classes every Saturday morning during the school holidays at Court Lane Junior School, Hilary Avenue, Cosham.

Saturday 24 July10:00 – 11:15am
Saturday 31 July10:00 – 11:15am
Saturday 7 August10:00 – 11:15am
Saturday 14 August10:00 – 11:15am
Saturday 21 August10:00 – 11:15am
Saturday 28 August10:00 – 11:15am

Classes are open to everyone aged 5 – 17 years, first lesson is FREE and then £5 per session after.

Please do not attend if you have been asked to isolate, or if you or other members of your household have Covid symptoms.

All coaches are British Judo Association qualified and insured, DBS checked and the Club is a member of the British Judo Association.

For more details:

  • Tony 07749 036577
  • Kev 07889 470469
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Summer Judo

We are delighted to announce that this summer, for the first time in many years, judo will continue over the school break.

Saturday morning classes will run from 24th July to 28th August. Classes will be scheduled from 10.00 to 11.15, and will be available to all players, regardless of which session they normally attend on a Tuesday or Thursday. Normal mat fees will apply.

PLEASE support this initiative, we have been desperately keen to re-secure summer sessions for a long time.

Our final Thursday evening session will be Thursday 22 July, with our autumn timetable recommencing from Tuesday 7 September (school will still be shut on Tuesday 31 August, Thursday 2 September is an inset day)

Posted in Announcements, News, Training

Summer training update

Sadly we have not been able to secure access to the school over the summer holidays.

Please therefore make every effort to attend the remaining sessions this term:

  • Thursday 11 July
  • Tuesday 16 July
  • Tuesday 23 July

We will advise of any additional training opportunities.

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