Blog Archives

Great day on the mat

Summer Fair

Once again we made our annual appearance at the school summer fair. With ALL displays being programmed indoors this year, we opted for a smaller mat and a reduced number of players compared to previous years.

A brilliant, slightly ad libbed demo was provided by Kev Jones, Chloe Lymer, Maya and Mieszko Polak and Amy Roberts.

Chloe, Maya and Amy also demonstrated some of the self defence movements from Goshin-Jitsu, with Tony as uke.

We’d also like to say thank you to current and previous club members who watched, and helped to put down and put away mats – Toby Winfield, Ben Lymer and Sophie Rogerson.

Kent International

Michael Churcher was our sole representative at this years’ Kent International.

Making his debut at his new weight of -73kg (and only by a few grams…), Michael showed that all his recent hard work has been paying off, returning with a bronze medal.

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Judo taster sessions at Court Lane Summer Fair

Judo trainingWe will be running taster sessions throughout the day during the Court Lane Junior School Summer Fair on July 11th. Why not come along and try out this exciting Olympic martial art?

All club players are welcome to drop in and assist during the sessions.

Make sure you don’t miss our demonstration team at 11.45! Our team includes players who have represented both Portsmouth and Hampshire, and competed in international tournaments.

Doors open at 10am.

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Summer Demonstrations

P1020686We are pleased to announce that Court Lane Judo will be appearing at two school summer fairs this year.

First, we will be at Solent Junior School on 13 June. This request was received last week…

This will be followed by an appearance at Court Lane Junior School on 11 July.

These will be our first public appearances for some time. We are looking for dedicated volunteers to make up our demo team – please see Tony, Kev, Andy or Craig on Tuesday. We only have two weeks to practise before our first appearance.

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