Blog Archives

Stay safe on the mats

It is fantastic to see so many returning and new faces on the mat – last night was our biggest session for some time. We are very happy to welcome you to the Club.

It is easy to forget as life returns to normal that the coronavirus is still in circulation – 45,066 cases were logged on Thursday, over 7,000 people are in hospital with Covid and sadly the death toll is running at between 800 – 1,000 per week. Obviously the vaccine has significantly reduced the risk of infection and hospitalisation, but it is not 100% effective.

The virus is largely airborne, as we enter the autumn/winter season it will become more transmissible and with us all spending more time indoors, the risk of infection will rise.

We will endeavour to keep doors / windows open for as long as practical in the hall to ensure a steady supply of fresh air.

Please continue to follow best practice on hand hygiene – hand sanitiser is available in the hall.

Whilst Government requirements and restrictions have been lifted, and parents are welcome to stay and watch, mask wearing and distancing is still recommended.

The club has a Test and Trace QR code – this is displayed on the board when you enter the hall, you can check in using the Covid-19 app.

If you should return a positive test result or are showing symptoms associated with Covid, please do not attend training sessions. This advice applies to all illnesses – it is general good practice, both for yourself and to protect other people in such a close contact sport as judo.

Latest guidance on coronavirus can be found on the Gov.UK website.

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Judo restarts this week!

Our regular class programme resumes from tomorrow, Tuesday 7 September.

  • Beginners 18:00 – 19:00
  • Advanced / Adults 19:00 – 20:00

The coronavirus has not gone away, so a few reminders about keeping each other safe.

We are lucky enough to have a large hall, with adequate ventilation. We will be keeping doors/windows open as long as possible to ensure an adequate change of air. Please remember however that Judo is a close contact sport.

We will not be providing jugs of drinking water, please bring your own water bottles.

Parents are welcome to stay and watch, mask wearing and distancing is no longer mandatory but is recommended.

Hand sanitiser is available in the hall.

If you have symptoms associated with Covid, or have tested positive, please isolate in line with Government guidance.

If other people with whom you are in close contact – at home, work, school – have tested positive or are showing signs of Covid, please follow the appropriate guidance. This is likely to vary based on age and vaccination status. Latest guidance can be found online. If in doubt, please do not attend.

The Club has it’s own QR code, displayed on the notice board as you enter the hall. Please check in using the NHS Covid-19 app to enable Track and Trace.

Posted in Announcements, Training

Keeping us all safe as restrictions lift

The lifting of restrictions on 19 July meant that judo could recommence as before. Albeit in a world where Covid is still a real and significant presence.

As announced previously, we are delaying the return of adult judo until September. Junior sessions will continue this week as normal, then with a summer timetable from 24 July.

As a minimum, all players should continue to exercise good hygiene. Hand sanitiser is available in the hall.

Please stay away if you or anyone in your household is exhibiting symptoms associated with Covid, or you have been advised to isolate.

Please bring your own drinks bottles – we will not be supplying water and cups.

Our QR code will remain – we would encourage all players over 16 and parents staying at the Club to scan and register with the NHS Covid app to enable Track and Trace.

Masks are no longer compulsory off the mat.

Posted in Announcements, Training

Adult judo to recommence in September

The latest lifting of restrictions indicates that adult judo can recommence from 19 July, although we are still awaiting full guidance from DCMS via British Judo.

With school closing on Friday 23 July, we have decided to hold off restarting adult classes until we make a full return to judo after the summer holidays, in September.

With concern also being expressed about the rapid increases in cases linked to the Delta variant (and a slower but definite rise in hospital admissions) this will give a much clearer idea as to what precautions we may need to make to keep judo as Covid-safe as possible.

We hope to have some exciting news about summer judo for -18s shortly.

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Covid precautions – a reminder

With the sharp increase in the number of cases of Covid reported over the last few days – nationally and locally – please remember the following simple precautions when visiting the Club:

  • A one way system is in operation – enter from the playground, exit to the car park.
  • Hand wash – cleansing gel is available in the hall.
  • ALL players and coaches need to complete a Covid declaration for each session – either online or paper copy in the Club.
  • Coaches, players over 16 and spectating parents need to log in via the NHS Covid-19 app – we have our own QR code you can scan.
  • Unless you are exempt, face coverings should be worn off the mat.

Thanks you for your continued support.

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Don’t forget, Thursday judo is back!

After a successful resumption of Tuesday sessions, Thursday judo returns this evening!

Normal session times of 6-7pm, 7-8pm will apply.

Just a reminder, that sessions currently are for -18s only and a Covid declaration is needed for each session – you can make this online here.

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Welcome back after half term

Hope everyone had a good half term break, and enjoyed the sunshine.

If you are training tonight, don’t forget to complete your Covid declaration at (paper copies are also available at the Club).

Everyone aged 16+ who is remaining at the Club is also required to leave contact details for Track and Trace – this can be on paper but is easier for us to manage if you simply scan the Club’s QR code using the Covid-19 app.

Thursday sessions will also resume from this week (Thursday 10th).

See you on the mat!

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Don’t forget your Covid declaration!

Training tonight?

Don’t forget to complete your Covid declaration at (paper copies are also available at the Club).

Everyone aged 16+ who is remaining at the Club is also required to leave contact details for Track and Trace – this can be on paper but is easier for us to manage if you simply scan the Club’s QR code using the Covid-19 app.

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Will adults be able to return to training in June?

Under the Government’s plan to exit coronavirus restrictions, it was envisaged that all restrictions in England would be lifted on 21st June, meaning that adults could return to full contact training from that date. (Currently adults could train indoors, with no contact other than people from their family group. At the moment, we have chosen to work just with under 18s who are allowed full contact).

Each stage of the lifting of restrictions is dependent on:

  • the vaccine deployment programme continues successfully
  • evidence shows vaccines are sufficiently effective in reducing hospitalisations and deaths in those vaccinated
  • infection rates do not risk a surge in hospitalisations which would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS
  • UK Government assessment of the risks is not fundamentally changed by new Variants of Concern

You will be aware of course that a new variant has emerged, which appears to be even more transmissible than the variant that drove huge hospital admissions over the winter months. The latest evidence is that the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccinations continue to offer good protection against the latest variant, but that there is a rise in infection showing amongst the younger age groups who may not have received the vaccination as yet. This will be driven in part by the relaxing of restrictions, as well as the new variant.

So, will adults be able to return to training towards the end of June?

For a definitive answer, we will need to wait for an announcement, probably in week commencing 14th June; but we are cautiously optimistic.

We envisage however that registering attendance via the Club’s QR code and submitting a Covid declaration will remain a requirement for the foreseeable future. It is possible that regional restrictions or increased testing may be applied to manage local outbreaks – we understand extra testing capacity has been created in north Hampshire recently, linked to the latest variant. (Portsmouth City Council yesterday sounded the alarm about an increase in local cases, although it is still a long way short of the figures seen earlier in the year).

In the meantime, please continue to practise Hands – Face – Space

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Looking forward to seeing you tonight

Super pleased at how many existing players have returned to judo already, and new faces that have joined us.

Looking forward to seeing you all again tonight, please don’t forget:

  • a one-way system is in operation
  • a limited number of spectators can now stay (subject to being able to maintain distancing requirements)
  • anyone over 16 (coaches, players, parents) staying at the club must register by scanning the club’s QR code using the Covid-19 app
  • a Covid declaration is required for all participants and coaches – either online at or by completing a paper form at the club.

Thank you for your continued co-operation.

Posted in Announcements, Training

