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Players wanted for Hampshire & Isle of Wight Games 21 June

With Karina Bryant, London 2012 bronze medallist, at 2013 Hampshire & IoW Games

With Karina Bryant, London 2012 bronze medallist, at 2013 Hampshire & IoW Games

Would you like to represent Portsmouth in this year’s Hampshire and Isle of Wight Games, on 21 June?

If you are –
aged over 8 and under 12
fall into one of the following weight groups:
girls u28, 28 to 32, 32 to 40, 40 to 48kg
boys u27, 27 to 34, 34 to 42, 42 to 50, 50 to 60kg
and are graded to no more than 6th mon

please speak to Tony this week!

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