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Parking after half term

A barrier is being added in the school car park that will reduce the number of available parking spaces to 4 or 5. Access to additional spaces beyond the barrier will be via an ANPR sensor, which obviously will exclude us from parking. This will also impact on other community users of the school e.g. Monday’s keep fit class, Saturday’s gymnastics….

I am in conversation with the school to see if alternative parking arrangements can be made, perhaps opening up a playground as used to be the case.

In the meantime, if you are forced to park in Hilary Avenue, please park considerately as residents are already in discussion with Portsmouth City Council re parking issues, speeding etc.

The new ANPR gates also potentially impact on fire evacuation routes from the hall, so we shall be checking out the alternative routes!

Image by macrovector on Freepik

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New parking guidelines on school premises

The school has notified us of new parking arrangements, to commence immediately. Please see the communication below.

We have reviewed our Letting procedures regarding the security and access to the building.

 From w/c 6th March there will be no parking allowed on the playground and the gates will be kept locked.  You will be able to park in the staff car park, next to the school office.

The small gate, next to the main reception door, will be open so that you can still walk across the playground to enter via the doors to the large/small halls.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Please do not use the doors directly into the hall from the staff car park – these doors are usually secured shut and require us to take attention from class in progress to open. It also increases the risk of rain etc. coming in on to the mats if these doors are opened during inclement weather.

Posted in Announcements

Parking restrictions confirmed for Thursday

The school have noted our concerns over the parking restrictions last Tuesday but have confirmed that once again the playground will NOT be available for parking by anyone this Thursday.

Please consider how you travel to the Club, as parking will be very difficult in Hilary Avenue.

Posted in Announcements

Parking at school 4 and 6 November

Apologies for the late notice, have just seen an email sent from the school late yesterday afternoon advising that parking will not be available at the school for club members on the evening of Tuesday 4 and Thursday 6 November, due to the desire to keep the playground free for parking for parents evenings.

The playground gates were not unlocked for anyone tonight, in consequence Hilary Avenue was very congested and dangerous in the dark, with lots of parents and children milling about and cars parked everywhere.

We have spoken to the school caretaker and also emailed the school office to advise how dangerous the road outside the school was.

If anyone else wishes to comment, as several of you mentioned it to us, please contact the school directly – telephone: 023 92375444 or e-mail:

In the meantime, please be aware that restrictions may also apply on Thursday.

Posted in Announcements, News

