Blog Archives

New mat fee from April

With effect from Tuesday 1st April, all mat fees will increase to £6.

This is our first increase in fees since September 2017. All monies received go back into the Club – in the last year alone we have invested more than £2,000 in new mats, Olympic Masterclass with Nekoda and coach education and revalidation. All coaches continue to be unpaid.

We have absorbed an increase in hall hire costs and other administration costs – BJA membership etc.

We have brought back a 3 for 2 offer – if 3 or more members of one family are training the third and subsequent members are free.

We will shortly be offering payment by card facilities – watch this space!

Posted in Announcements, News

Mat fee reminder

A gentle reminder that our new pricing structure will begin from Tuesday 12 September.

Posted in Announcements, Training

Junior mat fee increase

Please note that as of September, junior mat fees will rise to £5.00 per session. A second session on the same evening will be held at £2.00.

Senior mat fees are unchanged (at £5.00).

We are aware of the impact this will have financially on families who have two or more children attending and are considering a number of schemes to offer discounted fees for additional children.

You can help us to offset additional fee increases by supporting the club through the various schemes offered on our fundraising pages.

Posted in Announcements, News, Training

New mat fees start next week

price-changeJust a quick reminder of the new mat fees announced at the end of March.

New fees come into effect from Tuesday 3rd May.

Posted in Announcements

Mat fees to increase from May 2016

price-changeThe school has confirmed our bookings for the new financial year.

Sadly these have attracted a price increase which we are unable to absorb within our current pricing structure.

The price of Tuesday’s hall hire has increased from £68 to £75, with Thursday rising to £52 from its current price of £48.

With effect from Tuesday 3rd May, mat fees will be:

  • Juniors -16 : £4.50
  • Adults 16+ : £5.00

Those staying for a second session should still pay for the first session plus an additional £2 for the second session.

Hopefully we will be able to hold these prices for some time.

You can help us build up our reserves to offset any future increases by support the Club via it’s Easyfundraising initiative.

Posted in Announcements, News

Remember – mat fees increase from May!

Mat fees to increase

Mat fees to increase

Just a gentle reminder, that mat fees will be increasing in May.

Please see previous article for full details!

Various payment methods are available:
Per session
Weekly or monthly standing order
Per term

Posted in Competitions

Mat fees to increase from 6th May

In order to keep up with anticipated increases in hall hire fees, we have reluctantly decided to raise mat fees from the first session in May.
New session fees will be:
• Juniors £4.00
• Adults £4.50
2nd session on the same day will remain at an additional charge of £2.00.

All coaches and staff remain volunteers, and any surpluses are used for the benefit of the Club.

Posted in Announcements, News

