Places now being offered to Portsmouth area Judo players 2 – 4 June 2017, training and more in Le-Havre with JPG judo!
This will cost £39.00 child and £79.00 adult, players will need to have adequate insurance as well, but this promises to be a good weekend trip travelling as foot passengers from Portsmouth International Ferry Port.
For more information contact Paul Vella on 07766 522264.
As we have shared at the Club and via our Facebook group – players have the opportunity to train with our French compatriots at Judo Perrey Guerrier in Le Havre, over the weekend of 28/29/30 August.
It’s a great opportunity to make new friends and kickstart your preparation for the Hampshire Open.
Today is the last day to register an interest – please speak to Paul Vella at Holbrook Judo if you are interested!
Coaches and players from Court Lane have participated in recent twinning events with French judo clubs.
In May, Tony, Kev, Craig and Dean (and Brett’s mum!) along with representatives of Holbrook Judo Club, travelled to Royan in the Bordeaux region, for a weekend of Judo, sightseeing and socialising.
We look forward to them visiting us next year.
At the beginning of June, members of Le Havre’s Judo Perrey Guerrier visited the Portsmouth area and were hosted by Holbrook Judo Club.
Members of Portsmouth area judo clubs were invited to join with a training session and friendly competition with the visitors.
Tony, Jonty, Mieszko and Maya represented the club during the morning training session, with Jonty taking part in the afternoon competition.
Following on from our previous post concerning Saturday’s event:
The Café at Brune Park will NOT be open during the day.
There is an evening reception, being held at Fleetlands Football Club. This will involve an American supper – make a contribution and share! Please can you advise Paul Vella what you will be bringing along.
Medals from the afternoon competition may need to be presented at the evening session due to time restraints during the day.
As you know, the Portsmouth area are hosting a delegation from Le Havre on the weekend of 4-5 June.
The timetable for the weekend is as follows:
French party arrive at Portsmouth Harbour 0715
Training session at Holbrook 1000 – 1145. The session will be led by Sarah Hopkins. All players are welcome, a £6 mat fee will apply.
This will be followed by a competition from 1230 to approximately 1400. We are envisaging some Court Lane players taking part in this – these players have already been approached, based on the grades of the visiting players; however any others who train in the morning may also be considered.
This will enable our visitors to spend some time with their host families on the Saturday afternoon and again on the Sunday, before sailing for home Sunday afternoon.