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Club closure dates


Please note there will be no Judo on the following dates:

Thursday 22 May – local and European elections

Tuesday 27, Thursday 29 May – school closed for half term

Classes will recommence on Tuesday 3 June.

In the meantime, don’t forget the extra training opportunities offered by Holbrook Judo Club:

Saturday 17 May

Saturday 24 May

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Randori and sponsored throw 17 May

Kate Howey MBE, 1997 World Champion, throws Tony (1999)

Kate Howey MBE, 1997 World Champion, throws Tony (1999)

Players are invited to join Holbrook Judo Club for a randori session and sponsored throw at Brune Park Community College, 17 May between 10am and 12 noon.

This will be an attempt to beat the current unofficial world record of 2,424 throws in 10 minutes – currently held by Holbrook Judo Club.

Any funds raised by Court Lane players will be retained by Court Lane, and put towards our mat replacement fund.

A sponsor form is attached.

Sponsor Form

Please note – due to late involvement, a Court Lane coach may not be available to support this event.

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Training session with Holbrook Judo Club 24 May

Judo training

Court Lane players are invited to attend Holbrook Judo Club on 24 May for a training session led by Dave Tooby, a National Referee.

The session will run from 10am to 12 noon in Gym 1 at Brune Park Community College, Military Road, Gosport.

This will be a great opportunity to train with other players, and for those making the trip to Royan, a chance to meet some of the players and parents who will also be going.

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