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Court Lane players benefit from competition training event

medalsFour of Court Lane’s novice players took part in a competition preparation event hosted by Holbrook Judo Club.

Referee David Tooby explained competition etiquette, such as entering and leaving the area, which belt to wear etc., and the importance of osaekomi and toketa. The scoreboard was also explained.

Players then took part in a round robin match, with explanation of the scores, penalties etc., as they occurred.

Our four players all behaved impeccably, and demonstrated some good judo skills. It was particularly pleasing to see them all developing over the course of their three or four contests.


  • Noah Grainger – GOLD
  • Alex Lane – GOLD (and quickest ippon throw of the day…)
  • Jeremy Allen – BRONZE
  • Oliver Jones – BRONZE
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Extra training session at Holbrook Judo Club

Judo training

Players are invited to attend a training session at Holbrook Judo Club, Brune Park School, Military Road Gosport on the morning of Saturday 28 March.

Session will be led by Derek Hopkins & Sarah Hopkins (Current British European & World Masters Champion).

The sesion will run from 10-12 noon, the County Squad session is being hosted at the same venue in the afternoon.

Please contact Paul Vella at to confirm attendance.

Posted in Training

Judo recommences tonight!

Players about to begin a newaza practice

Players about to begin a newaza practice

We hope you have all enjoyed your break over the Christmas and New Year breaks, an dlook forward to seeing you all refreshed on the mats from 6pm tonight.

It is already shaping up to be a busy year – Hampshire has already released their dates for 2015, with entry open now…

Holbrook Judo Club will be hosting our friends from Royan, France May 14 – 18, hopefully some of our players will involve themselves.

Holbrook are also planning on hosting a Red Belt Rumble for Portsmouth area clubs in April, we will plan our next grading around this date.

We will be identifying further competitions as the year goes on.

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Some timely reminders!

judo clock
Grading dates are fast approaching – the first two weeks of November, as soon as we return from the half term break, have been earmarked for grading.

Please make sure your licence is valid! See also the reminders on our previous post

This Saturday sees a great opportunity to train with Holbrook Judo Club, would be great to see some players taking advantage of this.

We have one aspirational player signed up to compete in November, here are details of the competitions we have highlighted as local and suitable between now and the end of the year.

And finally, don’t forget – the clocks go back this Sunday!

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October training with Holbrook Judo Club 25 October

Judo fight
Court Lane players are once again invited to train with Holbrook Judo Club, on Saturday 25 October.

The session will be held in Gym 1, at Brune Park School, Military Road, Gosport from 1000 to 1200.

The session will be led by Holbrook’s own British squad player Gemma Bavister – some of you may remember the mad Gangnam style cool down she led last year when Holbrook were hosting the visitors from Royan!

Proceeds from these training sessions go into the twinning for when the French visit again in 2015.

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Randori session at Holbrook Judo Club Saturday 4 October

Holbrook Judo Club will be hosting a mass randori on Saturday 4 October, with a mix of tachi-waza and ne-waza.

The session will run from 1000 to 1200, in Gym No. 1 at Brune Park School, Military Road, Gosport, and provides a great chance to practise with players from outside the Club.

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Don’t forget this morning’s training session!

Hope to see some of you at Holbrook Judo Club this morning for the session with BJA Technical Officer Chris Doherty.

Parents, whilst the kids are training, why not have a breakfast in the adjoining Footlights Café?

See you there!

Posted in Training

Training session with BJA Technical Officer Chris Doherty – Saturday 27 September

Judo fight
Holbrook Judo Club will be hosting a session on Saturday, September 27th with guest coach BJA Southern area technical officer Chris Doherty.

The training session will be held at Brune Park School, Military Road, Gosport in Gymnasium 1, from 10 – 12 noon.

We would strongly urge all junior players to attend, as coaches we have attended many of Chris’ courses and can highly recommend.

Please contact Paul Vella via judocoachpv @ to confirm your attendance. (I have added spaces to the email address to foil the spambots…)

Posted in Training

Adventures in France

Court Lane players in Royan

Court Lane players in Royan

Tony, Andy, Simon, Jonty and Azhar have just returned from a trip to Royan, France, where they trained with the local judo club.

The visit was undertaken with Holbrook Judo Club, as part of the official twinning events between Gosport and Royan.

Whilst there, players trained with their French counterparts on the Friday evening and Sunday morning, before taking part in a “friendly” competition, where Andy, Jonty and Azhar all took on players considerably bigger than themselves and higher graded. All three performed with distinction, Jonty and Azhar scoring some good wins.

Andy also took part in the Monday evening fitness and newaza session, so look out for some new exercises and more variations on sangaku and juji gatame!

It wasn’t all Judo however, with trips to Blaye and La Rochelle forming part of the itinerary , we also took advantage of an opportunity to go sailing.

Royan will be visiting Gosport in 2015, with Holbrook hosting Judo activities.

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Some quick reminders!

A few quick reminders:

Tomorrow, 24 May – all junior players are invited to train with Holbrook Judo Club. Details previously circulated.

Don’t forget to make sure your licence is in date. This offers valuable insurance cover and enables you to grade and compete. We have recently received a listing from the BJA that has highlighted that several players are out of licence. We will be checking with you after the half term!

Finally, we are currently closed for half term. Training recommences Tuesday 3 June.

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