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Xander and Toby fly flag for Court Lane in Round 3 of Team Championships








Xander Harris and Toby Winfield represented the Club in the third and final round of the Hampshire Junior Team Championships.

Gaps in the team were generously made up by players from Holbrook Judo Club, meaning that we fielded a full team for the first time.

Throughout the whole event, we have given novice players their first experience of competition:

Round 1

  • Xander Harris
  • Sam Boichot
  • Mieszko Polak

Round 2

  • Xander Harris
  • Sam Boichot
  • Joel Bassil

Round 3

  • Xander Harris
  • Toby Winfield

We have struggled to field a full team, as most of our players were in the same weight group! Hopefully next year we can fill more weights and give more players a chance. All the players who have taken part have gained valuable experience and developed as a consequence.

Well done to Holbrook!

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Team selection for Round 3 of Hampshire Team Championships

12801233_10208917630683206_6183626966825701146_nRound 3 of the Hampshire Team Championships takes place this Sunday, 3rd April.

As per previous rounds, weigh in is 9am at Fleming Park Leisure Centre, Passfield Avenue, Eastleigh. Event should finish between 1 and 1.30pm.

Don’t forget your gi and in date licence – you will need to present this at the weigh in.

Team selection so far is:

-30kg Xander Harris

-35kg vacant

-40kg Toby Winfield

-45kg vacant

-50kg vacant

-60kg vacant

+60kg vacant

I am still looking for players red – yellow – orange to fill in some of the above gaps. We can play one person as a joker, meaning they do not have to compete, but guaranteeing a win for the team!

Paul Vella at Holbrook has kindly offered us players to fill in some of the gaps but would love to field as many of our players as possible.

Posted in Announcements, Competitions, News

Club closed over Easter holidays

Easter JudoPlease note that the Club will be closed over the Easter holidays, as the school premises are shut.

The final training session before Easter will be Thursday 24 March.

There will be NO judo on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 29 March
  • Thursday 31 March
  • Tuesday 5 April
  • Thursday 7 April

The Club will reopen on Tuesday 12 April – just in time for final practice for the Hampshire Closed on Saturday 16 April. We still aim to enter a team for Round 3 of the Hampshire Team Championships, on 3 April.


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Great performances from Court Lane players at Round 2 of Hampshire Team Championships

12801233_10208917630683206_6183626966825701146_nXander, Sam and Joel fought for the club in Round 2 of the team championships today.

Our team was augmented by two players we borrowed from Holbrook.

Xander and Sam produced massively improved performances compared to Round 1, demonstrating the importance of participating in these development events. Joel was in excellent form, winning his first fight with tani otoshi for ippon. He continued his winning streak through the next two rounds, scoring some big wins with a lethal ko uchi gake, which is rapidly becoming a signature move.

Well done everyone, looking forward to continuing our progress in Round 3 in April.

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Round 2 of Hampshire Team Championships this Sunday

DSC_0002Round 2 of the Hampshire Team Championships takes place on Sunday 6th March, at Fleming Park Leisure Centre, Eastleigh.

Weigh in opens at 09.00 with competition starting from approximately 09.45.

The competition is aimed at players aged 8 yrs and above and orange belt or below.

The Junior players are split by weight in the following groups:

Boys – U30 ( min 25kg), U35, U40, U45, U50, U60, O60 ( 73kg max)

Girls – U36 ( min 28kg), U40, U44, U48, O48 ( 57kg max)

Our team for Round 2 is

  • u30 Xander Harris
  • u35 Sam Boichot
  • u40 Joel Bassil

Spectators are welcome, there is free parking and free entry to the centre.

We were hoping to enter a larger team for this Round, but falling on Mother’s Day and with several players also having rugby commitments, it hasn’t been possible.

If there are any players who fit the criteria above and would like to take part this weekend or in the next round (April 3rd) please contact me as soon as possible.



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