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Hampshire Low Grade and Kyu Grade open replaced by randori session

As you will be aware from our listing of upcoming events, this weekend should have seen Hampshire hosting the Kyu Grade and Low Grade Opens. Sadly, for reasons that are not entirely clear, these events have been cancelled. Low grade junior players should now be considering the High Wycombe Mini Mons tournament on 20 November. It’s a nice venue, and only 90 minutes away.

The Hampshire events have been replaced by a randori session, open to all players (junior and senior). The event will run from 10-12 noon at Places Leisure in Eastleigh. A £7.50 mat fee will apply, all junior red and yellow belt players will receive a medal or certificate.

We would urge all players to take advantage of this opportunity to practise with players from other clubs.

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Entry open for Hampshire low grade championships

Entry is now open for the Hampshire low grade junior and senior competitions on 7th July.

The junior competition is open to red and yellow belts, with an adult section for blue belt and under, and 1st kyu and above.

Posted in Announcements, Competitions

