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Date announced for next Hampshire Squad training

The next Hampshire squad sessions will be held on 20 March.

Details are below:

10.00 – 11.30 Juniors u14s
12.00 – 13.30 Seniors o14s

Open to all licenced Judoka.

This session is 2 weeks prior to the County Closed Championships and we will be looking at players with respect to selections for the County team to represent us at the Southern Area intercounty team championships on 8th May.

Venue will be Holbrook Judo Club, Gym No 1, Brune Park School, Military Road, Gosport PO12 3BU.

Mat fee £5.00 

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Date announced for Hampshire Closed

The Hampshire Closed will be held on Sunday 3 April, after Covid enforced cancellations in 2020 and 2021.

This year, as well as individual medals, a Club trophy will also be awarded.

Entries are now open via the Southern Area website.

The Club trophy will be decided on points – 1 point per entry, 3 points for bronze, 4 for silver and 5 for gold.

You must hold a valid BJA licence and be eligible to fight for Hampshire County to enter the Hampshire Closed.

Posted in Announcements, Competitions

Hampshire Closed 2020 cancelled

Hampshire Judo made the following announcement this morning concerning this year’s Hampshire Closed, due to be held on 29th March:

Following the announcements by the UK Government and with our duty of care to all of our Hampshire Judo community we are unfortunately going to have to cancel the Hampshire Closed event on the 29th of March. We will obviously be refunding entry fees and will communicate those arrangements shortly.

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Hampshire Closed still planned to go ahead

Please see below the latest update from Hampshire Judo re the Hampshire Closed on 29th March:

After much consideration, the Hampshire Closed WILL be going ahead as planned. We are following national medical advice and as such there is no restriction on holding public events.

All players should follow the guidance provided. IF you are suffering flu like symptoms AND have been in contact with a person from an affected area then you should self isolate. Otherwise there is no need to seek medical advice.

Hampshire judo will be implementing some preventative measures on the day – such as no shaking of hands and will endeavour to provide hand sanitiser which players will be encouraged to use.

Obviously if the advice changes we shall adhere to it.

Please get those entries in to make the event the success it should be

Entries can be made at

The Hampshire squad session on Sunday 15th March is also scheduled to run as planned.

We will update if there are any changes!

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One more squad session before the Hampshire Closed!

The final Hampshire squad before the Closed tournament will run on Sunday 15th March, at Eastleigh’s Fleming Park Leisure Centre. The session will commence at 10am and run until 12 noon.

Previous sessions this year have seen over 50 players – junior and senior – attend.

This final session will be led by one of Hampshire’s most successful male players of recent year, Sam Potts. Sam has a number of national titles to his credit and always delivers an engaging enjoyable session.

Entry for the Hampshire Closed on Sunday 29th March is now open. Entry can be made online at Last date for entries is 22nd March.

Attendance at squad sessions and results at the Closed will be used to determine the teams to represent Hampshire in the forthcoming Intercounty tournament against Surrey, Sussex and Kent.

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Training session with Channel Islands judoka to follow Hampshire Closed

A mixed team of junior and adult judoka from Jersey will be competing in Saturday’s Hampshire Closed.

A training session with them has been organised for Sunday 7th April, to be led by Sarah and Derek Hopkins. FREE to all judoka, the session will run from 1100 – 1300 at Places Leisure (formerly Fleming Park Leisure Centre), Eastleigh

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Last chance to enter Hampshire Closed!

Former Hampshire medallists from the Club

Entry for the 2019 Hampshire Closed ends this Sunday, 31st March.

The competition will be held at Eastleigh’s Fleming Park Leisure Centre on Saturday 6th April. Results from the competition will be used to inform team selection for this year’s Southern Area Intercounties tournament.

Posted in Announcements, Competitions

Time running out to enter Hampshire Closed!

Entry to this year’s Hampshire Closed on Saturday 6th April closes on 31st March.

This is the main selection route for the team to represent Hampshire in this year’s Southern Area Intercounties event, in May.

Don’t miss this opportunity – enter today!

Posted in Competitions

Last squad session before Hampshire Closed

This Sunday – 3rd March – sees the last squad session before the 2019 Hampshire Closed.

The session is open to both junior and adult players, and will be held at Fleming Park Leisure Centre, in Eastleigh.

The two hour session begins at 10am. Mat fee is £5.

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Entry now open for the 2019 Hampshire Closed

Online entry is now open for the 2019 Hampshire Closed, with categories for -16 and senior.

The competition will be held on Saturday 6th April at Places Leisure, Fleming Park, Eastleigh.

Competitors must be registered to represent Hampshire.

This will form the squad for 2019-2020 from which players will be picked to represent Hampshire at the inter-counties team competition on 5th May in Sussex.

Posted in Announcements, Competitions

