Some essential maintenance work has recently been undertaken on our website, most obviously it’s move to a secure, industry standard “https” domain. This makes our site much more secure (you may be surprised how many hacking attempts we get…) and enables better integration with our social media feeds.
Many thanks to John Rogerson for sorting this and other background issues for us.
The cost of website hosting, domain registration and email addresses are all part of the hidden costs of running a modern sports club. A digital presence is vital however in the 21st century and will help us to attract new members and keep in contact with current players and parents as we navigate our way out of the Covid pandemic.
You can support us with these hidden costs by playing the Portsmouth Lottery or using the Easyspace portal when shopping online, as we all are these days. Full details can be found on our Fundraising pages.
It’s been another winning weekend on the Portsmouth Lottery, with a club supporter winning for the 2nd time this year.
Remember, tickets for the Portsmouth Lottery brought through us trigger an automatic donation to us, as well as supporting other causes around the City. With fundraising efforts largely curtailed by the current lockdown, this support is absolutely vital, not only for us but for many charities in Portsmouth.
Last weekend saw our 38th winner on the Portsmouth Lottery!
By playing the Lottery, you are making a 50p donation to the Club for every ticket sold, as well making a contribution to support other causes across the City.
We we look to recover from the effects of the Covid pandemic, these funds become ever more crucial.
We are delighted to announce that the Club received news today that it’s application to the Club Support scheme being administered by British Judo has been successful, and we will receive grant support towards reopening when this is possible.
The funds will be used to purchased training aids and other equipment as well as subsidising running costs due to potential loss of income from reduced class sizes due to social distancing requirements.
This weekend saw the 37th win on the Portsmouth Lottery from one of our supporters.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support – every ticket sold via our page will help us to come back stronger when we can finally get back on the mat.
A huge thank you to all who have been supporting us through the Easyfundraising platform.
Donations since we first went live have now broken the £500 mark. These have supplemented mat income and supported us with some of the ancillary costs of running the club, as well as bolstering income when mat attendance has been low.
Your continued support will be amazing as we move forward and prepare for a return to judo… costs are likely to remain high but income reduced due to social distancing requirements.
Easyfundraising is FREE to use, participating retailers make a donation to the club when purchases are initiated through the Easyfundraising platform. If you are shopping through a tablet or mobile, there is an equivalent app you can download so that all donations are captured.
New supporters can sign up here. Once you raise your first £5, Easyfundraising will match it, meaning we get £10!
Don’t forget, we will be meeting tonight for a socially distanced fitness and movement training session, as announced previously. Please let us know if you are coming!
Bring outdoor sports clothing and water, an exercise mat is also useful.
Our next session will be Thursday.
We are expecting guidelines soon from the BJA as to what a return to mat based training could look like – but we will be dependent on the school allowing hall hire to recommence. Recent news from Croatia after Novak Djokovic hosted a tennis tournament, with several players testing positive afterwards, also flags up the value of a cautious return to sport.
In the meantime, don’t forget you can help us to boost club funds so that we can come back stronger by playing the Portsmouth Lottery or using the Easyfundraising website or app when shopping online – we have recently benefitted from purchases at Amazon, Uber Eats, Dunelm and Ordnance Survey, to name just a few. Signing up now could win us £500!
We would just like to take this opportunity to say a big Thank You! to everyone who has, and still is, supporting us on the Portsmouth Lottery.
Since we went live on the Lottery, we have sold 1802 tickets, raising £901 to support the Club. Other funds have gone to support other good causes in the City.
Whilst we would have liked to have kept these monies to fund mat replacement, reduced cashflow due to Club closure has meant that we have had to use them to cover outstanding liabilities.
2020 looks set remain an exceptionally challenging year, we have no idea what our return to Judo will look like as the pandemic is managed, or what the financial impacts of any changes will be.
If you can spare £1 a week, please support us on the Portsmouth Lottery.
Covid-19 has had a huge impact on communities, and it continues to remain uncertain as to when we will be re-able to reopen.
We are keen to come back, and rebuild, as quickly and strongly as we can. To that end, please consider signing up to one of our fundraising initiatives – Easyfundraising or Portsmouth Lottery.
Easyfundraising is ideally placed to help, as it is based on online shopping, which more and more of us are using during the current pandemic. It won’t cost you a penny extra, but the club gets a donation for each purchase you make through the Easyfundraising site.
The Portsmouth Lottery will benefit us directly, with a percentage of each ticket sold coming directly to the club; importantly, some also goes into a grants pot to support other local good causes. Many traditional funding streams have dried up completely during the pandemic, so this may be vital in supporting lots of other local causes.