Blog Archives

Training session with Danny Murphy, Budokwai Coach, 5 December

Danny Murphy, coach at the Budokwai and former Hampshire squads manager, will be running a training session at Holbrook judo Club this Saturday, 5 December.  As always, Court Lane players are welcome to attend.

The session will run from 10 to 12 noon at Holbrook Judo Club, Brune Park School in Gosport.

There will be a £5 mat fee.


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Training session with Naomi Favell at Holbrook Judo club

Judo trainingCourt Lane players are again invited to attend a training session at Holbrook Judo Club this Saturday.

The session will be led by Naomi Favell. There are comparatively few female coaches so this is a great opportunity, especially for our girls, to get a different perspective on Judo.

The session will run from 10 – 12 noon at Brune Park School, Military Road, Gosport. There is a £5 mat fee.

** Please note that the session planned for 28 November with Danny Murphy has been postponed until 5 December **

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