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Judo and C-19

We are monitoring the situation regarding the spread of Covid-19 (the coronavirus) very carefully.

Latest guidance is that we are still in the early phases of the “containment” stage of the UK’s response to this global pandemic.

There has only been 1 confirmed case in Portsmouth at the time of writing.

Guidance from Sport England on 12th March was still very much that activities should carry on, with due regard to good hand hygiene and self-isolation if you are feeling unwell.

Domestic judo events are still running, although international competitions (Olympic qualification events, European championships etc.) have been cancelled or postponed. Our friends in France have been advised by their governing body to shut down clubs for the foreseeable future. Presumably other European federations are following suit.

If we can source hand sanitiser, we will provide some at the club. As you know, most of the shops have been victim to panic buying so this may not be possible.

However, soap and water is still a more effective barrier. Please make sure you wash your hands before and after sessions.

Guidance issued to schools today (16th March) repeats this message.

It is not feasible for us to disinfect mat surfaces every session. We believe that any transfer to mats will die out in between sessions as the virus has a short lifespan on hard surfaces.

Please make sure judogis are washed after every session.

We understand that many people are making their own decision to withdraw from activities ahead of Government advice, especially if they or members of their household have other underlying health issues, they are carers for people deemed to be vulnerable etc.

If you are planning on withdrawing from club activities, please let us know, so that we can gauge impact on the club, and plan accordingly.

Please make sure you are following us on social media (Facebook – either our Page or private group – and Twitter), subscribe to our email update service or check the website regularly for latest updates. Things are moving rapidly and these will be our primary means of communicating with you.

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Hampshire Closed still planned to go ahead

Please see below the latest update from Hampshire Judo re the Hampshire Closed on 29th March:

After much consideration, the Hampshire Closed WILL be going ahead as planned. We are following national medical advice and as such there is no restriction on holding public events.

All players should follow the guidance provided. IF you are suffering flu like symptoms AND have been in contact with a person from an affected area then you should self isolate. Otherwise there is no need to seek medical advice.

Hampshire judo will be implementing some preventative measures on the day – such as no shaking of hands and will endeavour to provide hand sanitiser which players will be encouraged to use.

Obviously if the advice changes we shall adhere to it.

Please get those entries in to make the event the success it should be

Entries can be made at

The Hampshire squad session on Sunday 15th March is also scheduled to run as planned.

We will update if there are any changes!

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