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The myth of talent

I noticed that the YouTube video of Matthew Syed discussing the power of practice that I referenced in an earlier post, has been removed.

Hopefully this one will remain…

Here’s another great interpretation –

For further info please read Syed’s excellent book, Bounce. If you buy it through Amazon, you can raise funds for the club too…

Posted in Articles, Blog, Training


Regular readers of this blog will have encountered my musings on Bounce before.

I will say again, that it is a massively influential book for everyone involved in training, teaching or coaching, highlighting the importance of the quality and quantity of practice that people need to progress in their chosen field.

I found this video clip of Matthew Syed, the book’s author, expounding on this central theme. Enjoy.

Posted in Articles, Blog

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard

Hard work pays off
I saw the above quote the other day, and whilst I can’t remember who it was attributed to (I think a basketball coach?), I do think it is a very appropriate reminder as the World Cup dawns on us.

The football is on TV, it can be recorded and watched later. You can’t make up for a missed training session. With the Hampshire Open fast approaching, and players competing at the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Games and Kent International, every minute of mat time is crucial.

Trevor Leggett, one of the key figures in the early history of British Judo, had this to say:

“You didn’t lose that contest yesterday, you lost it in the month before, when you weren’t training properly.

“And you’re losing next month’s contest now, today, while you stand here making excuses when you ought to be practising.”

For more on the value of practice and the myth of talent, let me refer you back to the excellent “Bounce” by Matthew Syed.

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First phase of training programme coming to an end

As we come to the end of January, we look forward to the 2nd part of our training programme before our competition season kicks off in March.

Throughout January, we have concentrated on raising core fitness levels – getting our players fit to train/compete.
The emphasis moving forward will be on embedding key movement/technique patterns, so that they become automatic responses.

This will be achieved through extensive drilling of movements and techniques – so the core fitness already done will be important, and will be further built on by the high number of drill repetitions.

Central to our thinking here is the aforementioned “Bounce”, and “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg.

Posted in Announcements, Blog, Training


I often get asked what or who has inspired you in judo or as a coach, or as a trainer?

Lots of people, lots of things!

But certainly one recent addition would be “Bounce”, by Matthew Syed, in which he explodes the myth of talent and promotes the power of practice.

It’s available from Amazon and I would recommend to anyone involved in teaching, training or coaching.

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