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Changes to Southern Area Judo Intercounties format

After a hiatus caused by the Covid pandemic, the Southern Area intercounties tournament will resume this year. Hampshire has a proud record in this event: the winning boys and girls teams from 2004 are pictured. (Court Lane’s Lewis Dolman is holding the trophy, with Andy Gould wearing GB patch behind him).

This year’s edition will be held in Eastleigh on Sunday 8th May. Hampshire’s team will be announced based on squad attendance and results at Hampshire Closed, to be held in April.

The event has been restructured, and will now feature more but smaller teams than previous years, along with grade banded mixed gender adult teams.

Each team will consist of 7 players with there being six categories – u12 years of age boys and
girls teams, u16 years of age boys and girls teams, senior mixed kyu grade teams and senior
mixed dan grade teams. Technical restrictions will be in place for the u12 teams and armlocks
and strangles permitted only in the senior events, minimum age 14 years.

Team Formats

U12 Boys
u27kg, u30kg, u34kg, u38kg, u42kg, u46kg and o46kg

U12 Girls
u28kg, u32kg, u36kg, u40kg, u44kg, u48kg and o48kg

U16 Boys
u42kg, u46kg, u50kg, u55kg, u60kg, u66kg and o66kg

U16 Girls
u40kg, u44kg, u48kg, u52kg, u57kg, u63kg and o63kg

Mixed Senior Kyu Grade (maximum grade 2nd Kyu)
Men u66kg, u81kg, u100kg and o100kg
Women u57kg, u70kg and 070kg

Mixed Senior Dan Grade (minimum grade 1st Kyu)
Men u66kg, u81kg, u100kg and o100kg
Women u57kg, u70kg and 070kg

Senior teams will fight alternately M, F, M, F, M, F, M

Regardless of the changes, team judo is one of the most exciting competition formats and this promises to be an exciting day as always!

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C’mon Hampshire!

Victorious Hampshire squad players at Crystal Palace

Hampshire players will be competing in the Southern Area intercounty team tournament on Sunday 5th May.

Men, women, boys and girls will take on teams from Kent, Sussex and Surrey in this annual event that is one of the highlights of the Southern Area calendar.

This year’s event is being held at Worthing Leisure Centre, with action on the mat due to start at around 9.30am.

Two players who train at the club will be taking part – Michael Churcher and Chloe Lymer. We wish them and the rest of the team Good Luck!

Previous Court Lane representatives in Hampshire Team:

  • Brett Caswell
  • Andy Gould
  • Lewis Dolman
  • Azhar Baree
  • Isla Savellis-Fry

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BJA announce Talent ID days

Lewis Dolman, England Squad

If you fancy following in the steps of some of our most successful players – Brett Caswell, Andy Gould, Lewis Dolman, Ben Garside – you may interested in the Talent Identification day the British Judo Association are hosting at Dartford Judo Club on Sunday 14th January.

Selection here will form the basis of a Southern England Development squad.

Full details and how to register, can be found on the BJA website.

Applications must be made by 30th November.

Brett Caswell throws for ippon at 2007 GB World Cup

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Tony appointed as joint junior squad manager for Hampshire Judo

IMG_5529Club coach Tony Brown has been appointed with Holbrooke’s Paul Vella to jointly manage the Hampshire junior squad. The decision was announced at the recent Hampshire AGM.

Tony has previously supported Hampshire Judo in a PR role, helping to set up the website and Facebook pages, as well as securing much local press coverage.

Both Tony and Paul are keen to return Hampshire junior judo to the level of success it enjoyed in the early 2000s – both Tony and Paul were involved in this, working with other coaches to lead busy Hampshire sessions and totally dominate the Southern Area intercounties tournament.

2002 Intercounties Champions

2002 Intercounties Champions

Many of the players involved during this time went on to secure GB representation – Brett Caswell, Andy Gould, Joph Spencer, Ben Garside, Vince Skillcorn, Craig Tullett, Sarah Patterson Sam Potts, Lewis Dolman, Lisa Stevens…

Initial training dates have been set and will be announced shortly. These are open to ALL players, not just County medallists.

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Court Lane preparing for international adventures

Court Lane Judo Club is preparing for two forays into the international judo scene.

Tony Brown and Andy Read will accompany Jonty Bassil, Azhar Baree and Simon Bassil on a trip to Royan, France at the end of May to train with the ROC Judo Club.

This trip is being organised by Holbrook Judo Club, in Gosport, as part of the twinning arrangement between Gosport and Holbrook.

Tony took part in this exchange visit two years ago, with Brett Caswell and Greg Anderson. Brett also travelled to France with Holbrook in 2010. Court Lane players have taken part in activities organised by Holbrook when French players have visited the UK.

Training in Royan

Training in Royan

Players are also focussing on the Kent International, held at Crystal Palace National Sports Centre, at the end of June. We have decided to add this competition to our schedule this year following the strong performances of our players at the recent Hampshire Closed. All the players who competed with such distinction are encouraged to consider entering the Kent International as a development opportunity.

Brett throws for ippon Kent International 2004

Brett throws for ippon Kent International 2004

The Club has enjoyed success at this competition previously:

2000 – Brett Caswell, bronze
2001 – Brett Caswell, bronze
2002 – Andy Gould, silver; Brett Caswell, bronze (Youth)
2003 – Andy Gould, gold; Brett Caswell, silver (Youth) and bronze (Senior)
2004 – Andy Read, bronze; Brett Caswell, gold (Senior)
2007 – Craig Jones, bronze
2009 – Craig Jones, bronze (Youth)

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Court Lane’s Hampshire Champions so far…

Having been perusing our old records, we have produced an amazing number of Hampshire medallists, in all competitions:

Hampshire Closed
Orange Belt & Under
Brett Caswell, -30kg, GOLD

Hampshire Closed
Chris Batchelor, -34kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Orange Belt & Under

Kate Borland, -36kg, BRONZE
Chris Carter, -30kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Andrew Gould, -27kg, BRONZE
Kate Borland, -36kg, BRONZE
Brett Caswell, -38kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Yellow Belt & Under

Andrew Potter, -27kg, GOLD
Andrew Read, -30kg, BRONZE
Jonathan Galvin, -42kg, GOLD

Hampshire Closed
Team Championship
Court Lane A, Lightweight Boys, SILVER

Andrew Gould, -27kg
Andrew Read, -30kg
Peter Caulfield, -34kg
Brett Caswell, -38kg
Jonathan Galvin, -42kg

Hampshire Closed
Andrew Gould, -27kg, GOLD
Andrew Potter, -30kg, SILVER
Brett Caswell, -42kg, GOLD
Chris Batchelor, -42kg, BRONZE
Jonathan Galvin, -46kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Yellow Belt & Under

Timothy Batchelor, -30kg, GOLD

Hampshire Closed
Orange Belt & Under

Tiffany Caswell, -25kg, SILVER
Andrew Gould, -30kg, BRONZE
Andrew Potter, -30kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Andrew Gould, -30kg, SILVER
Andrew Potter, -34kg, GOLD
Andrew Read, -34kg, BRONZE
Brett Caswell, -46kg, GOLD

Hampshire Closed
Yellow Belt & Under

Tiffany Caswell, -25kg, GOLD

Hampshire Closed
Orange Belt & Under

Sophie Read, -28kg, SILVER
Craig Jones, -46kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed

Oliver Eggins, -27kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Andrew Gould, -38kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Orange Belt & Under

Ben Garside, -27kg, BRONZE
Owen Jones, -34kg, SILVER
Craig Jones, -55kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Andrew Gould, -38kg, GOLD

Hampshire Closed
Yellow Belt & Under

Ben Garside, -27kg, GOLD
Owen Jones, -34kg, BRONZE
David Murana, -42kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Ben Garside, -27kg, SILVER
Lewis Dolman, -30kg, SILVER
Joe Garside, -42kg, BRONZE
Andrew Read, -50kg, SILVER

Hampshire Closed
Yellow Belt & Under

Tiffany Caswell,  -36kg, SILVER
Daniel Lattimore, -42kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Orange Belt & Under

Ben Garside, -30kg, SILVER
Lewis Dolman, -30kg, BRONZE
Owen Jones, -34kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Ben Garside, -30kg, BRONZE
Lewis Dolman, -34kg, GOLD
Owen Jones, -34kg, BRONZE
Joe Garside, -46kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Yellow Belt & Under

Charlie Swetman, -27kg, BRONZE
Lee Growse, -46kg, GOLD

Hampshire Open
Ben Garside, -30kg, SILVER
Lewis Dolman, -34kg, SILVER

Hampshire Closed
Lewis Dolman, -34kg, GOLD
Owen Jones, -38kg, BRONZE
Lee Growse, -46kg, BRONZE
Craig Jones, -73kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Yellow Belt & Under

Charlie Swetman, -30kg, SILVER
James Andrews, -34kg, BRONZE
Louise Growse, GOLD

Hampshire Open Split Grade
Owen Jones, GOLD
James Andrews, BRONZE
Louise Growse, -57kg, BRONZE
Craig Jones, -73kg, BRONZE


Hampshire Closed
Lewis Dolman, -38kg, BRONZE
Owen Jones, -38kg, BRONZE
Craig Jones, -73kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed
Yellow Belt & Under

Jack Morey, -38kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Junior Open
Craig Jones, SILVER
Owen Jones, BRONZE
Lewis Dolman, BRONZE

Hampshire Senior Open
Kev Jones, BRONZE

Hampshire Split Grade Open
Jordan Ward, -34kg, BRONZE
Lewis Dolman, -42kg, SILVER
Owen Jones, -46kg, GOLD
Craig Jones, -81kg, SILVER

Hampshire Closed
Owen Jones, -46kg, SILVER
Lewis Dolman, -46kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Open
Owen Jones, -50kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Split Grade Open
Jordan Ward, -38kg, BRONZE (+12, Orange/Green)

Hampshire Closed
Lewis Dolman, -55kg, GOLD
Owen Jones, -55kg, SILVER
Reece Blackmore, -46kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Closed Yellow Belt & Under
Sophie Dolman, GOLD
Matthew Randall, SILVER
Jonty Bassil, BRONZE

Hampshire Senior Split Grade Open
Brett Caswell, -66kg, GOLD
Craig Jones, -100kg, BRONZE
Kev Jones, -100kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Junior Split Grade Open
Lewis Dolman, -60kg, GOLD
Owen Jones, -60kg, SILVER

Hampshire Junior Closed
Owen Jones, SILVER

Hampshire Senior Closed
Brett Caswell, -66kg, GOLD
Craig Jones, BRONZE

Hampshire Junior Closed
Matthew Kirby, -73kg, BRONZE

Hampshire Junior Closed
Joel Bassil, -27kg, SILVER

Hampshire Junior Closed
Sarah Carr, -32kg, BRONZE
Azhar Baree, -34kg, SILVER

Hampshire Junior Closed Split Grade
Azhar Baree, GOLD
Sarah Carr, SILVER
Joel Bassil, BRONZE
Jonty Bassil, SILVER
Marcus Tree, BRONZE
Jack Rogerson, SILVER

Hampshire Senior Closed Split Grade
Jess Oakden, BRONZE

Who can we add in 2014?

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Choosing an Award winner

Following on from the announcement of our Award winners, we thought it would be useful to reiterate the process that we go through to decide our nominees and eventual winners.

Firstly, we are only considering the year just gone. Prior awards are not taken into account, as a rule. However if one player is plainly monopolising an award over several years, as would in the past have been the case for perhaps Brett Caswell, Andy Gould, then they will be excluded from the selection. This will be explained to that player.

Secondly, we are very much guided by The Judo Code:
Fairplay – be a good sport, encourage equality, don’t stand for bullying.
Respect – show good manners to your Coach and each other, always be polite, follow judo etiquette in the dojo – bow when you go onto and leave the mat, bow to your Coach at the beginning and the end of the session, bow to your partner at the start and end of each practice.
Hygiene – pay attention to personal cleanliness, keep fingernails short and clean, wear clean clothing, no footwear on the mat, wear zori (flip flops) off the mat.
Self-discipline – work hard, listen to instructions, be punctual, don’t miss lessons.
Friendship – be a good friend, welcome newcomers, be helpful and kind.

Looking back, it is useful to note that in previous years, some players who you may have thought would have been a shoe-in for an awards perhaps because of judo prowess or competition success, have failed to win, because they have fallen down in other areas – usually Respect or Self-discipline. General behaviour and attitude on the mat is just as – if not more – important than being able to score a perfect Ippon every time. Competitiveness is good; so is the ability to lose gracefully. Consideration for your training partners means that you will still have training partners next week. Some of the afore mentioned players have fallen in this category!

Competition success and general judo development is obviously taken into account however, but it is not the be-all and end-all of everything.

For this year, the club coaches reviewed each name on the register in January and nominated their choices. Each nomination had to be backed up with a justification by the nominating coach to the other panel members as to why they felt that person was a suitable recipient.

This year, players were also invited to nominate candidates for consideration in certain categories, again with an explanation as to why they felt that person was worthy. Both the nominations received in this way in fact made it through to the final decision making process, one in fact ending up as a trophy winner.

Some categories were quite oversubscribed – Most Improved for instance had 8 nominations, which we whittled down to 4 names. The final decision in each case was then made on a one person one vote basis.

We are aware that we can not please everyone; indeed, sometimes we are not pleased ourselves when our nominations are rejected. We have sometimes found ourselves advocating for or against our own children, thsoe of fellow coaches, committee members or friends.

The Kiss of Death effect
We have also noticed a bizarre and unexpected side effect of awarding trophies.

There have been many cases over the years when our trophy winners have then promptly quit! Or displayed a marked deterioration in the very elements that originally made them a trophy winner… Why? Is it perhaps because they think they have peaked, cannot achieve any higher things? Do they struggle to maintain that standard, mentally? It is interesting to notice that many top competitors across all sports often expereince this post World or Olympic success.

It does sometimes make us very nervous about awarding a trophy!

Conversely, some of our longest serving and most dedicated players have received very little silverware in recognition of their hard work, but still turn up and support the club and their fellow judoka. Craig Jones and Andy Read would be two perfect examples.

Tony was lucky enough to be nominated for a British Judo Association coach of the year award by our regional development officer last year, partly in recognition of twenty years service to the Club. Whilst it was an unexpected surprise, it is not why Tony gives up a minimum of 7 hours every week – sometimes a lot more – to Judo. In fact, Tony found it quite embarrassing and would not have attended the Awards evening if he had been successful. Jill Brown also found the same when nominated for a Portsmouth News Coach of the Year Award. It’s not why we do it…

Awards then are a double-edged sword. If players do have concerns as to why they were unsuccessful, they are quite welcome to ask any of the club coaches areas where they think development is needed to improve.

Some players, a month into 2014, are already emerging as strong contenders for future awards if they can maintain progress they have made during January. Some 2013 winners are already showing signs of slipping back… we are watching…

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