After a temporary suspension, due to exams etc., adult classes will resume from 12 September.
See you on the mat!
After a temporary suspension, due to exams etc., adult classes will resume from 12 September.
See you on the mat!
After the interruptions of May half term and the General Election, normal classes resume this week.
Please note however that the Tuesday evening adult class is still suspended.
Reluctantly we have decided to suspend our Tuesday adult class.
Recent numbers have not justified or covered the cost of hall hire – Andy has moved out of the area, Matt is at University, and those we would look at moving up to this session (Jonty, Azhar) are deep into examinations. As a consequence, Dean has sometimes been the only attendee.
Any adult players wishing to train should therefore please attend 7-8pm on Tuesday, they are also welcome at the 7-8pm Thursday session.
We hope to restart the Tuesday adult session in September.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
Please note that there will be no adult session on Tuesday 14 March.
Any adults wishing to train should attend the earlier advanced junior session, 7-8pm.
Normal schedule will resume from Tuesday 21 March.
Please note that there will ne no adult class tomorrow – 14 February.
Any adult players wishing to train should attend at 7pm, for the advanced junior session.