As the summer break continues, you might like to consider expanding your study of Judo into areas other than the purely physical.
One of the best books ever written on the subject is Mark Law’s “The Pyjama Game“. It is an enlightening study of judo, both on a personal level as Law undertakes his own practice, and on a wider scale from Judo’s inception through to the 2004 Athens Games. Frequently hilarious, it is highly recommended.
Another good read, and already quoted on this site, is Neil Adams’ autobiography, “A Life in Judo”. This has recently been re-published as a Kindle ebook.
Both of these books are available from Amazon – and if you take advantage of the fundraising partnership we have signed up to, you can raise funds for the club as well as deepening your knowledge of Judo.
Another insightful book is “50 Great Judo Champions”, published by and available from Fighting Films. Originally published to mark the 50th anniversary of the International Judo Federation, the book details some of the greatest judo players of all time, with detailed pen portraits and photos from top Judo photographers David Finch and Bob Willingham.
Happy reading…