The easing of some restrictions associated with prevention of the spread of coronavirus means that outdoor training becomes a possibility. Latest Government guidance (Cabinet Office, 2020) is
From Monday 1 June, you can exercise or play sport in groups of up to six people from other households, but should only do so where it is possible to maintain a 2 metre gap from those you do not live with.
People who play team sports can meet to train together and do things like conditioning or fitness sessions but they must be in separate groups of no more than six and must be 2 metres apart at all times. While groups could practice ball skills like passing and kicking, equipment sharing should be kept to a minimum and strong hand hygiene practices should be in place before and after. You can also play doubles tennis with people from outside of your household as long as you remain 2 metres apart as far as possible. Any equipment that is used should be cleaned frequently. Cleaning should be particularly thorough if it is to be used by someone else.
And if you are showing coronavirus symptoms, or if you or any of your household are self-isolating, you should stay at home – this is critical to staying safe and saving lives.
This would mean that 5 players could meet with one coach. Larger groups would have to split into smaller groups with sufficient distancing between them.
Is there interest in participating in any such session? These would be similar to the sessions we have run in previous summers, held at Hilsea Creek or possibly Drayton Park as the Creek has become a popular walking spot.
Please use the comments field below to let us know.
Indoor training sessions (especially full contact judo) remain unlikely for non-elite athletes for some time – guidance published by Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport make clear the restraints and conditions that will have to be worked with within elite sport.
Cabinet Office. (2020, June 1). Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do. Retrieved from GOV.UK: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do
Michael would be interested in some training sessions.
Brilliant, we have another couple interested. Have a couple of ideas for venue, may need to access school to source some stuff. Watch this space!
Hi Tony. If it’s not too late in the evening, I think Ellis would be interested! Regards Karen
Fantastic, thanks Karen. Watch this space