New parking guidelines on school premises

The school has notified us of new parking arrangements, to commence immediately. Please see the communication below.

We have reviewed our Letting procedures regarding the security and access to the building.

 From w/c 6th March there will be no parking allowed on the playground and the gates will be kept locked.  You will be able to park in the staff car park, next to the school office.

The small gate, next to the main reception door, will be open so that you can still walk across the playground to enter via the doors to the large/small halls.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Please do not use the doors directly into the hall from the staff car park – these doors are usually secured shut and require us to take attention from class in progress to open. It also increases the risk of rain etc. coming in on to the mats if these doors are opened during inclement weather.

Posted in Announcements

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