Judo restarts this week!

Our regular class programme resumes from tomorrow, Tuesday 7 September.

  • Beginners 18:00 – 19:00
  • Advanced / Adults 19:00 – 20:00

The coronavirus has not gone away, so a few reminders about keeping each other safe.

We are lucky enough to have a large hall, with adequate ventilation. We will be keeping doors/windows open as long as possible to ensure an adequate change of air. Please remember however that Judo is a close contact sport.

We will not be providing jugs of drinking water, please bring your own water bottles.

Parents are welcome to stay and watch, mask wearing and distancing is no longer mandatory but is recommended.

Hand sanitiser is available in the hall.

If you have symptoms associated with Covid, or have tested positive, please isolate in line with Government guidance.

If other people with whom you are in close contact – at home, work, school – have tested positive or are showing signs of Covid, please follow the appropriate guidance. This is likely to vary based on age and vaccination status. Latest guidance can be found online. If in doubt, please do not attend.

The Club has it’s own QR code, displayed on the notice board as you enter the hall. Please check in using the NHS Covid-19 app to enable Track and Trace.

Posted in Announcements, Training

