2002 Intercounties Champions
Confirmation of forthcoming squad sessions – please note senior players are welcome to attend the Osaka session!
I hope everyone is training well and looking forward to events in the next few months.
As you may be aware there have been a few clashes of dates which have impacted on the dates available for a squad session, therefore November 5th will be the date of the next Hampshire county training session at Osaka Judo Club, Maida Gym, Scarlett’s road, Aldershot, GU11 4AE 10.00 – 12.00, also senior players are invited to attend for this session (PLEASE NOTE – MAT FEE REMAINS £5.00 FOR THIS SESSION FOR ALL PLAYERS).
At this session we want to get an idea of how many players intend to attend the November 26th session at Chichester Ronin Judo Club which will be hosted by Sussex Junior judo squad, (PLEASE NOTE – NO MAT FEE FOR HAMPSHIRE PLAYERS AT THIS SESSION)
Please ensure all club contacts are aware of this date and senior player invitation.
Qualified “in date” coaches are more than welcome to attend and assist as required.
Many thanks and see you all soon.
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