End of an era as Havant JudoKwai runs its last session

Steve Anderson posted on Havant Judokwai’s Facebook page earlier:

Back in 1973 my Dad and Tony Lieb opened Havant Judo Kwai and tonight will be the last ever session for the club. Over the years the club has had great success representing Havant Borough, Portsmouth Area, Hampshire, Southern Area and at National Level with ‘bucket loads’ of medals and trophies.

As Head Coach I would like to say a ‘Massive Thank You’ to all club members past and present and also all the volunteers that have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to keep the club running all these years.
A Special Thank You to Kevin Jones for all the years you have helped on the mat as a Great UKE, you have been an awesome asset to the club.

If any of you reading this have a couple of hours to spare tonight we are open from 1900-2100 hours in the gym and it would be great to celebrate the last 41 years with a friendly Judo session (nothing too heavy).

To All Members, Wishing you Great Success at your new clubs, although I will be taking a break from Judo this is not the last you will see of me.

Havant Judo Kwai 1973-2014

locked-door1Regards Coach Steve Anderson

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