Easyfundraising breaks £500 barrier

A huge thank you to all who have been supporting us through the Easyfundraising platform.

Donations since we first went live have now broken the £500 mark. These have supplemented mat income and supported us with some of the ancillary costs of running the club, as well as bolstering income when mat attendance has been low.

Your continued support will be amazing as we move forward and prepare for a return to judo… costs are likely to remain high but income reduced due to social distancing requirements.

Easyfundraising is FREE to use, participating retailers make a donation to the club when purchases are initiated through the Easyfundraising platform. If you are shopping through a tablet or mobile, there is an equivalent app you can download so that all donations are captured.

New supporters can sign up here. Once you raise your first £5, Easyfundraising will match it, meaning we get £10!

Thanks once again for your support.

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