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Chloe tops podium at Surrey Kyu grade

Chloe Lymer maintained her impressive run of results with a gold medal at the Surrey Kyu grade open on 11 Feb. Chloe defeated several heavier players in a combined group to clinch the top spot.

Chloe also contested the English Open in London on 24 February, but finished outside the medals on this occasion.

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Hampshire Low Grade and Kyu Grade open replaced by randori session

As you will be aware from our listing of upcoming events, this weekend should have seen Hampshire hosting the Kyu Grade and Low Grade Opens. Sadly, for reasons that are not entirely clear, these events have been cancelled. Low grade junior players should now be considering the High Wycombe Mini Mons tournament on 20 November. It’s a nice venue, and only 90 minutes away.

The Hampshire events have been replaced by a randori session, open to all players (junior and senior). The event will run from 10-12 noon at Places Leisure in Eastleigh. A £7.50 mat fee will apply, all junior red and yellow belt players will receive a medal or certificate.

We would urge all players to take advantage of this opportunity to practise with players from other clubs.

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Support Team Hampshire this weekend!

Hampshire Judo is hosting the Southern Area intercounties team tournament this Sunday, 8 May.

This will be the first time the tournament has been held since 2019 due to Covid, and features an exciting new format with light and heavyweight junior teams and mixed sex adult teams.

Team judo is an exciting format, and is now part of all World and Olympic championships. Competition can often come down to the very last fight to be decided.

Court Lane players have featured heavily in events over the last twenty years – Brett Caswell, Andy Gould, Lewis Dolman, Isla Savellis-Fry, Chloe Lymer and Michael Churcher have all represented Hampshire – and this year will be no exception.

The event will be held at Eastleigh’s Fleming Park Leisure Centre.

Posted in Announcements, Competitions

Upcoming Southern Area competitions.

The following Southern Area competitions may be of interest:

Details of events in nearby areas – Western Area, Northern Home Counties etc. – can be sourced from the calendar on the British Judo site.

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Medal success marks return to competition

Court Lane Judo Club returned to competition after a long hiatus due to the Covid pandemic, when three players entered the 2022 Hampshire Closed.

Lewis Hook secured gold in his category, winning all his fights with ippon.

Chloe Lymer fought in a group where three three different weight groups were combined, securing a silver medal.

Michael Churcher made his full senior debut, and had seven excellent contests. Michael beat some higher graded players and was unlucky to just miss out on a medal.

Well done everyone!

Thanks also to the players who made the effort to come along and support – it was greatly appreciated.

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Court Lane players return to competition

Tomorrow sees Court Lane players officially return to the competition mat for the first time since Covid, when they compete in the Hampshire Closed in Eastleigh.

Wishing Michael, Chloe and Lewis the best of luck!

We will update throughout the day on our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

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Date announced for Hampshire Closed

The Hampshire Closed will be held on Sunday 3 April, after Covid enforced cancellations in 2020 and 2021.

This year, as well as individual medals, a Club trophy will also be awarded.

Entries are now open via the Southern Area website.

The Club trophy will be decided on points – 1 point per entry, 3 points for bronze, 4 for silver and 5 for gold.

You must hold a valid BJA licence and be eligible to fight for Hampshire County to enter the Hampshire Closed.

Posted in Announcements, Competitions

All 2020 Hampshire Judo events cancelled

In light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Hampshire Judo have cancelled all planned events for 2020, it was announced yesterday.

Despite some easing of restrictions for outdoor meetings, social distancing requirements remain in place. The coronavirus alert level remains at 4, meaning that indoor events and training for non-elite athletes (especially in contact sports) remain prohibited.

It is hoped that a normal competition programme can be resumed for 2021.

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Not the post I thought I would be writing

On the eve of the Hampshire Closed, I would usually be writing to wish our players good luck. Or to remind people that clocks change tomorrow and to not be late for the weigh-in.

But not today. Covid-19 has changed everything.

The Club is currently closed. Officially until after Easter holidays, but until at least June if we are being realistic. Personally, I think September is more likely by the time we add in summer holidays (remember those?).

We have not been able to say goodbye to John Luijken before he and his family move abroad.

We did manage to get in to clean and disinfect the mats before the school was closed. Thanks to Kev and Craig as always for their help.

The Hampshire Closed has been cancelled, as has the Southern Area teams tournament. The Tokyo Olympics have been postponed until 2021.

Thankfully as we only hire the hall on an hourly basis from the school, we are not exposed to the same cashflow risks that clubs who own their premised are exposed to. (And I never thought I would be grateful for not having our own dojo, but always something to be glad about if you look!).

If you are online shopping, don’t forget that you can raise funds for the club at the same time via Easyfundraising – use this link to register: and we will receive an extra donation when your donations reach £5. We have 19 supporters currently – 8 of whom who have never shopped via Easyfundraising. It’s easy, free and doesn’t cost you a penny more.

Community groups are going to be vital as we go through this crisis. You can help to strengthen not only us but the wider community if you play the Portsmouth Lottery. Tickets can be purchased via this link,

It is important that everyone stays fit and as healthy as possible – we have posted links in the Facebook group to various resources from Sport England and British Judo. No doubt some of you are working out with Joe Wicks every morning! Maintaining your physical health will help to keep you mentally healthy – again, a lot of support is being signposted towards support in this area.

To those who are essential workers, in the NHS, social care, keeping our food shelves stocked – we thank you for your efforts, stay safe, we will all do our best not to put extra stress on you.

Take care everyone, and we will see you on the other side.

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Hampshire Closed 2020 cancelled

Hampshire Judo made the following announcement this morning concerning this year’s Hampshire Closed, due to be held on 29th March:

Following the announcements by the UK Government and with our duty of care to all of our Hampshire Judo community we are unfortunately going to have to cancel the Hampshire Closed event on the 29th of March. We will obviously be refunding entry fees and will communicate those arrangements shortly.

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