Blog Archives

Hampshire Squad this weekend

It’s the first Hampshire squad session of the year on Sunday, 12 January. The session is open to all competitive players, junior and senior, who are looking to improve.

The session will be held at Holbrook Judo Club, Brune Park School in Gosport. The session will start at 1000 and run to midday. A £5 mat fee will apply.

Posted in Announcements, Training

Looking forward to 2025

This is the final week of term for 2024 – our final classes are tonight (17 December) and Thursday (19 December).

Classes will resume from Tuesday 7 December.

We’d like to say a big Well Done to everyone, and thank you to those who supported our session with Nekoda – we hope you all enjoyed it. It was nice to be able to welcome players from other clubs (Holbrook, Meridian and Chichester) across both sessions and was a fantastic way to wrap up the year.

It’s been a great year – we have expanded our mat area, most of our classes continue to be well supported and we have finally got a functioning committee in place, of which more in the New Year. It means that a lot of the background administration essential to running a club is now in place.

Looking forward to next year,

  • we are keen to see more players coming forward to grade (it has been difficult this year with Tony working away a lot to divert attention to grading)
  • hopefully players will attend the Hampshire squad sessions – it’s a great way to train with other players.
  • we would like to see more players entering competitions – details of competitions and events are published at and
  • we would like to recruit more novice players in – do you have a friend who you think would enjoy judo?
  • we would like to see our second session on a Thursday better supported.

We’d like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, once again thank you for all your support and see you in 2025!

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Olympian Nekoda Davis to return to Court Lane this November

Nekoda and Brett Caswell in 2018

We are delighted to announce that Rio Olympian, twice World Medallist and Commonwealth Games champion Nekoda Davis will be making a return visit to the club on 30th November.

Nekoda visited us in 2018 to help celebrate the club’s 25th anniversary, and we had a great session with her. This return visit has been organised as part of British Judo’s Paris Roadshow series of events.

Nekoda will be delivering two sessions on the afternoon of 30th November:

  • Junior 1300 – 1430
  • Adult 1500 – 1700

The normal £5 mat fee will apply.

Court Lane players may pre-register and pay in advance if they wish.

We hope to be able to open the playground for parking.

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Classes resume tomorrow

Classes resume tomorrow after the two week half term break.

Looking forward to seeing you all back on the mat.

Posted in Announcements, Training

IMPORTANT UPDATE – No Judo for two weeks!

In a change to messages given yesterday, there will be no Judo next week or the week after.

As you may be aware, Court Lane Academy is piloting a two week October half term break. We were originally told that school staff would be on site in the first week and the hall would be available.

We have been advised today that we will not be able to access the hall over the half term period, due to maintenance work scheduled by the Trust that manages the school – the skylights in the hall are being replaced, meaning there will be scaffolding in place. This was only communicated to the school yesterday.

This means there will be no Judo on the following dates:

  • 22 October
  • 24 October
  • 29 October
  • 31 October

The school have apologised for the late notice, we can only repeat this and apologise for the inconvenience.

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Goshin Jitsu Thursday

Last Thursday gave us a chance to practice the defences against unarmed attack from the Goshin Jitsu, the kata of modern self defence techniques. Kata is an element of judo that is growing in popularity in the UK and clearly shows the sport’s martial roots and self defence applications.

Thursday night numbers for our second session however have remained low since we started back from the summer break. We know that our regular attendees will be away this Thursday (10 October), please can you let Kev know on Tuesday if you will be attending so that we can determine if the session is viable. The session is open to all adult players and older juniors.

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Classes restart this Thursday!

Thank you all those who supported our summer Saturday sessions – we held our last session yesterday.

Evening sessions will resume from this Thursday (5th September).

Before coming back on the mat, check –

  • is your BJA membership in date? New memberships can be purchased online. (Can you find your licence?)
  • does your judogi need washing? (Do you know where you left it, and your zori after the last session you attended!).
  • are your nails short and clean before stepping back on the mat.

Looking forward to seeing you all again on Thursday.

Posted in Announcements, Training

New term, new venue for Hampshire Squad

The date and venue for the next Hampshire squad session has been announced.

The squad will next meet on Sunday 1st September, for a two hour session starting at 1000.The session is open to all Hampshire registered judoka, and will be held at:
The Dojo
Test Valley School
Roman Road, Stockbridge SO20 6HA

A £5.00 mat fee will apply.

Posted in Announcements, Training

A wet Saturday looms – come to Judo!

The forecast is wet for Saturday morning – so why not come and join us on the mat?

Our Saturday session runs from 1000-1130 and is open to adults and juniors. The regular £5 mat fee applies.

Sessions will run this Saturday (24th) and Saturday 31st, before our regular evening sessions recommence from Thursday 5th September.

See you on the mat!

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Saturday morning sessions continue this weekend

Don’t forget, we have Saturday morning judo sessions running throughout the summer, 1000-1130 in the main hall, which are open to all.

Normal mat fees apply.

Evening sessions will resume from Thursday 5th September.

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